The Australian Institute of Architects is the peak body for the architectural profession in Australia, working to improve our built environment by promoting quality, responsible and sustainable design.
Honouring excellence in the design and construction industry, the WA Chapter of the Institute presents the annual Architecture Awards to showcase the state’s architectural achievements and the contribution architects make to the quality of the built environment.
Each year, entries include large-scale public developments, heritage and educational architecture and unique residential projects. Winners of Named and Architecture Awards progress to the National Architecture Awards later in the year, where they are judged against the very best architectural works in the country.
With over 66 entries across 10 categories, the 2022 Awards program showcased a diverse range of projects including Fremantle’s Walyalup Civic Centre, the AGWA rooftop and the Perth Kids’ Bridge (Koolangka Bridge).
Ranging from reimagined inner-city corridors to regional community projects and high-calibre residential designs, the entries demonstrate the integral role architecture plays in our everyday lives.
With such a diverse group of entries showcased in the Awards each year, the challenge the client faces is creating media interest around not only the Institute as a peak body as well as the Awards program and in turn the architects and their respective projects.
Detail was engaged by the Australian Institute of Architects to strategically manage the publicity of the Awards program between 2011 and 2022, successfully delivering meaningful and interesting coverage year after year.